How do you evaluate learning programs or hybrid learning courses?

To conduct the evaluation, we need access to the product. If the product contains physical parts like toys or tools, they should be mailed to us.

The material that is needed in most cases:

  • Overall curriculum plan: what are the courses' topics, timelines and target groups. Description on how the course is technically carried out (which platforms are used, how the material is shared with students, etc).
  • Material for the teachers: Lesson plans, slides, any training or instruction material they receive from you. If this is in an LMS system, you can share the access to the LMS. 
  • Student material: Slides, reading, other materia.l
  • Student access to course LMS if students are using one.
  • If possible, recordings of some lessons. We understand that this might not always be possible for privacy reasons
  • Grading or assessment frameworks, if those are used. 
  • Description of qualifications of the tutors and any training material they receive. 
  • Anything else relevant for understanding the student's experience in the courses. 

We can evaluate programs that use, e.g. Zoom or live sessions and other learning technology.

Products that rely heavily on face-to-face interactions are evaluated by observing the learning situation or recordings and screening the lesson plans and teacher materials. If this is the case, there can be extra fees.